Informationen zum Server


Bump Punkt: 0
142 / 5367
Englische - US
Spiele, Programmierung, Humor
Server Beschreibung

We have channels for aoe1, aoe2, aoe3, all from HD, DE, to voobly, CS (custom scenario), age of Mythology, map scripting, ai scripting, aoe4( HYPE) and Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds. We also have channels for non aoe people, channels in greek and spanish, but most used language being english.

What else you can expect from us beside discord bots designed for aoe2 that give help with learning the game (civ bonuses, counter units), tournaments and even channels for streamers. We invited only the most cool people we know, so AEGIS your way to us.

You can also use free nitro emoji inside the server, haha !