Información sobre el servidor

Gaming Central™ • Community || Gaming

Bump puntos: 0
18 / 31
Ingles Americano
FPS juegos, Juegos, Comunidad
Descripción del servidor

╭═══════ Gaming Central Community ═══════╮
⸺ Gaming Central ⸺
╰═══════ Gaming Central Community ═══════╯
**Welcome, to Gaming Central!**

Hello this is a community discord for people who like to play games or like to meet new friends. This discord is for you to find people to play with, finding people to meet and chat with and much more. This discord is new and actively being worked on so please be patient with us. We have a large variety of roles available for people to customize themselves for you to have your best experience. We have an active staff team who would be more than happy to assist you at any time needed!

__Current Self Assignable Roles__
> Age Roles
> Game Selection Roles
> Platform Roles
> Pro-noun Roles