Informazioni sul server


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52 / 199
Inglese Americano
Comunità, Altro, Animali
Descrizione Server

White River Haven, Community server for those who are fans of the canidae family an Animal enthusiast . Features facts ,livestream from haven websites ,rp and much more. The main focus is on wolves for the moment till we get more members.

`💖`**-` W H I T E `-` R I V E R `-` H A V E N `**
**˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ˘ ° ~ ₒ**
*It appears you have __discovered the entrance__ to our **hidden mystic Canidae family community*** :leaves:
*. . . A place full of __enthusiasts__ for **wolves, foxes, dogs, etc.** Enter now ~ __if you dare__* :sparkles:

** ╭` W H A T `-` W E `-` O F F E R `-**`💕`
`🖤` ***Lovely** members and staff ~ __always active__*
`🌑` *__Great moderation__ to ensure it remains **a safe space***
`🐺` *Area for **role-play** for all members ~ __join the fun!__*
`📽️` *__Events planned__ for the future ~ **movie nights***
`🖋️` *channel to **share your art work*** :art:
`🎮` ***game bots** and __fun levelling system__*
`🖤` *__Absolutely everyone__ welcome ~ **no matter what!***
`🎱` *server **economy system** to __engage and interact__ with*
** ╰` J O I N `-` U S `-` T O D A Y `-**`💗`

*. . . What are you waiting for? Cross the barrier and enter now ~ !*